Copenhagen based ZONITH A/S which manufactures IoT based staff safety and lone-worker solutions, expands its market further in Tanzania in collaboration with G4S.

For many years ZONITH has been serving the security markets in Scandinavia, United Kingdom and North America with its products and software services for staff protection. Many public organisations, job centres, psychiatric institutions as well as retails are all using ZONITH’s Bluetooth based solutions for panic alert, indoor- and outdoor positioning.

ZONITH’s new series of discrete staff protection solutions that work both inside and outside buildings have now been introduced for the first time in East African’s security market. There is massive economic growth in East Africa but this positive trend brings some challenges such as threats from outside and insecurity, like the terrorist incident that took place at the large hotel complex in Nairobi, Kenya. Last year, ZONITH tested its safety solutions in the field in Tanzania and as the products proved to fit for both local corporates as well as residential/privates. ZONITH A/S has now signed an agreement with G4S in Tanzania. As a first step G4S will market the safety solutions in Tanzania to governmental organisations, Expats, banks and hotels. G4S 24/7 monitoring services and first responders will assist the customers using the safety solution and when calling for assistance. ZONITH expects to expand further into other East African markets as the products have been very positively perceived in Tanzania.

For more information about the ZONITH safety solution contact us at