How to Protect Lone Workers

How to Protect Lone Workers?

Lone workers are exposed to a range of risks in the workplace and, at the same time, have limited possibilities to call for help. So how could you provide your employees with an adequate level of protection so there to make their work safer?

In this article you can read about:

  • Implement a Lone Worker Policy
  • Keep track of your lone workers
  • Remember the most common risks for the workers
  • Invest in a proper training
  • Check the available staff safety solutions

Implement a Lone Worker Policy

A Lone Worker Policy allows business owners to assess risks common in their line of industry. When it comes to employees, it helps them to recognise the sources of potential danger and prepare for them to minimise the risk. First and foremost, the Policy helps keeps employees safe. That should always be a priority of every company – both from a moral, and a financial point of view.

Keep track of your lone workers

Keeping lone workers properly identified allows them to be instantly recognised, hence reduces the number of potential risks. Mainly those pertaining to abuse, violence and threats. New staff safety solutions available on the market make it possible to equip workers with the IDs connected to the monitoring. This on its turn can keep track of their position. Indeed that would allow you to react as fast as possible in case of an accident or emergency.

Remember the most common risks for workers

According to statistics, the most frequent sources of danger for lone workers include:

  • Increased levels of stress,
  • Sudden illnesses,
  • Insufficient rest,
  • Inadequate provision of first aid,
  • Violence, threats and abuse,
  • Theft,
  • Driving incidents.

Invest in proper training

Entrepreneurs should remember that prevention is better than cure. This saying is especially true when talking about staff safety. If you do not provide your employees with appropriate protective equipment and adequate training, you might have to cover both direct and indirect costs of accidents.

By organising lone worker training for your employees, you can avoid such problems in the future and help your workers stay safe from the potential risks. The measure which in turn minimises the downtimes of your operation. It is a win-win situation!

Check the available staff safety solutions

Currently, there are innovative staff safety solutions available on the market, which are perfect for the lone workers. These include special applications and devices that allow you to discreetly and immediately raise the alarm, call for help, provide your location and inform about the situation.